There are no high pressure sales people, no glossy junk mail coming through your letter box regularly. Quite simply we will guide you to buy the best possible property to suit your purposes, lifestyle and budget. If you are lucky enough to buy a property here you will be sure it's the right property decision for you.People who come here soon find out that this area is unspoilt and free of pollution and heavy industry, the air is sweet and the quality of light is pure. All the beaches in the area are blue flag beaches, golden, white sand or coves with pebbles and carpeted with ivory sea shells.Surrounded by National park and managed carefully by an enlightened town council, developers have not built row upon row of identical high rise apartments. Instead there are a series of apartment, town houses, bungalows and villas carefully designed in sympathy with Spanish tradition set on a backdrop of the significant moorish legacy left behind in this part of Spain.The area is blessed by a mild and pleasant climate. Called the Costa Azahar (Orange Blossom Coast) by the Moors because it's a perfect area to grow delicious and succulent oranges. A long summer with low rain fall followed by a mild winter is the usual fare, with people sunbathing on the beach in December. As the seasons pass we can't wait for spring as the smell of the orange blossom is pure ecstasy.There is also a golf development under construction offering an 18 hole championship course, apartments and town houses.

Calle Colon,Edificio Barlovento,Alcossebre. 12579
Tel: +34 964 412159