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Land for sale in Olvera

  • Olvera property: Land for sale in Olvera 216761
  • Olvera property: Land for sale in Olvera, Spain 216761
  • Olvera property: Land with bedroom in Olvera 216761
  • Olvera property: Land with bedroom in Olvera, Spain 216761
  • Olvera property: Land for sale in Olvera, Cadiz 216761
  • Olvera property: Land in Cadiz for sale 216761
  • Olvera property: Cadiz property | bedroom Land 216761
  • Olvera property: Olvera, Spain | Land for sale 216761
  • Olvera property: Cadiz Land 216761
  • Olvera property: Olvera Land 216761
Olvera property: Cadiz, Spain Land 216761
Olvera property: Olvera, Spain Land 216761
Olvera property: bedroom Land in Olvera, Spain 216761
Olvera property: bedroom Land in Cadiz 216761
Olvera property:  Land in Cadiz 216761

Olvera property: Land in Olvera 216761
Olvera property: Olvera Land, Spain 216761
Olvera property: Cadiz Land, Spain 216761
Olvera property: Beautiful Land for sale in Olvera 216761
Olvera property: Beautiful Land for sale in Cadiz 216761

This is a great little weekend house located just outside of Olvera on the old Algodonales road. The land is accessed from the main road via a good track easily manageable in any vehicle, no 4x4 needed here! The large plot has well cared for, productive olive trees, and is bordered by a lovely stream. The property is a single-roomed new build, to be finished off internally. There is a fireplace, and the concrete raft has been poured to add a second room (the door is in place in anticipation) or you could simply use the space as a veranda. This would make a superb purchase for someone with a house already in Olvera, you could live life like the locals, spending your summer weekends in the campo!

Land for sale in Olvera, Spain;

Land with bedroom in Olvera

€ 50,000

Ref: i020

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Olvera Properties